“Digital Electronics Circuits” is a very fundamental course for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering. Core of most of the electronics system is moving from analog to digital because of few significant advantages. And day by day the complexity level of digital systems is growing high. This makes very much important to learn the basic fundamentals of Digital Electronics Circuits for a ECE or CSE engineer.
The general topics covered by Digital Electronics Circuits are listed below:
(1) Number Systems and Binary Arithmatics
(2) Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates
(3) Combinational Logic and Circuit Design
(4) Multiplexer, Decoder and PLD Design
(5) Synchronous and Asynchronous Sequential Logic
(6) Registers, Counters, and the Memory Unit
(7) Finite State Machines
(8) Digital logic Families
(9) Digital Design Using HDL
Following are some of the popular BOOKS suggested for Digital Electronics Circuits:
(1) Digital Design
Authors : M. Morris Mano, Michael D Ciletti
Publisher : Pearson
Buy the Book Online : here or here
A standard text book followed in most of the universities around the globe for Digital Electronics course, this is undisputedly the most fundamental book to start with. With comprehensive coverage of all the topics, this contains lucid examples and simple diagrams along with lot of practice questions in the form of end of the chapter problems.
(2) Digital Fundamentals
Authors : Thomas L. Floyd, R. P. Jain
Publisher : Pearson
Buy the Book Online : here or here
Surely, one of the easiest read! Along with excellently outlined course structure, the textbook contains plenty of well illustrated pictures to clarify digital concepts. Lots of block diagram for almost every major concept, help grasp and remember the material very quickly. Especially helpful are the starting and ending of each chapter; wherein the chapter starts with clear-cut objectives and key terms while ends with some practical application of the concepts learned as well as useful hands-on troubleshooting tips.
(3) Digital Circuits and Design
Authors : S Salivahanan, S Arivazhagan
Publisher : Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
Buy the Book Online : here or here
A very popular Indian author book with minimal theory but heavy on examples. Though the problems given might not be high on difficulty level, but quantity wise, both the solved as well as unsolved examples are sufficient enough to help students gain confidence in the concepts. Interestingly, final answers to all the unsolved numerical are also provided for quick check!
(4) Digital Systems
Authors : Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss
Publisher : Pearson
Buy the Book Online : here or here
Following the typical block diagram approach as in the book by Floyd, this textbook is preferred mainly for advanced digital design concepts. Not only does it contain challenging solved and unsolved problems, it also provides the VHDL codes for all the major concepts along with explanations. Also worth mentioning is the concise summary provided at the end of each chapter for quick revisions and reference. Recommended mainly for those planning to dive deep into the world of Digital Electronics 🙂 .
Courtesy : Mr. Abhshek Khanna for his Knowledge Transfer to this post