“Electrical Circuit Analysis” is a very fundamental course for Electrical Engineering. The whole course is based on establishing relationship between Voltage and Current for different electronic components and networks. This course teaches many theorems and techniques to solve complex electronic networks. Without the understanding of this subject; it is very difficult and sometime impossible to solve complicated electrical network problems. Some universities offer this course as the subject name “Network Theory“. This course is in-general a 1st or 3rd semester subject.
The general topics covered by Electrical Circuit Analysis are:
(1) Electric Circuit Variables and Circuit Elements
(2) Techniques of Circuit Analysis (Theorems)
(3) First Order and Second Order Circuits
(4) Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis
(5) AC Power Analysis
(6) Frequency Response
(7) Laplace and Fourier transform in Circuit Analysis
(8) Filter Circuits
(9) Two-Port Networks
Following are some of the popular BOOKS suggested for Electrical Circuit Analysis:
(1) Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Authors : Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku
Publisher : McGraw-Hill
You can Buy the Book Online : here or here
As its name shows; actually it is the best book to strengthen the understanding of fundamentals of Electric Circuits. Language of the book is very simple and a beginner would be able to get the concept easily from this book. The book adopts a colorful pictorial approach for explaining the key concepts. It put light on the historical background of each topic. The key notes of each topic are highlighted in every chapter. This book can be claimed as the best book in Electrical Circuit Analysis for building up the basic concepts.
(2) Introduction to Electric Circuits
Authors : Richard C. Dorf, James A. Svoboda
Publisher : Wiley
You can Buy the Book Online : here or here
Many universities consider this book as the text book for Electrical Circuit Analysis. Unlike the Alexander & Sadiku book; the language of this book is little tougher to understand. But this book builds problem-solving skills for the real world through interactive exercises and examples. This book should be followed if someone want to solve a lot of circuit problems.
(3) Electric Circuits
Authors : James W. Nilsson, Susan Riedel
Publisher : Prentice Hall (Pearson)
You can Buy the Book Online : here
This book presents a lot of practical aspects of Electrical Circuits. Along with lot of solved problems and practical examples; this book is little bit more dense than the other suggested books. This is the book, which should be referred if someone is very much keen to realize the practical aspects of Circuit Analysis.