The whole country India has celebrated its 68th Independence Day yesterday with a new government, with new dreams and with new oaths. With the rich history of glory, India has seen many rise and fall before and after its independence. The land of India has been blessed with the great personalities like Gautam Buddha, Swami Vivekananda, Samrat Asoka, Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi and a never ending list. The only country which believes on religion of mankind; where Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist and Sikh can live together; whose culture has the epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana; Who has Tajmahal, one among the seven wonders of world; and whose brave sons never step back in sacrificing their blood to save their country.
It is a great pride to be a part of this country. After all this country has given me air, light, food, cloth, place to live, education, earning and most importantly INDEPENDENCE. Independence to think, behave, speak, move, live and also to leave. But a question always arises “Do am I really independent?”. Do the society where I live really independent?? Do my country India is really Independent???
Let me quote a small story here –
” There was a rich and old landlord in a village. He did not have any successor. He was staying alone in the village along with a servant. The servant was doing all the work in the home for whole day and waiting for the death of the landlord as he was dreaming of acquire the whole property. One day the landlord died and the servant was very happy. According to his plan he took the place of the landlord and enjoyed his properties. He appointed four servants to do all of his jobs. He was very happy spending a royal life. But suddenly he started suffering from several health issues. After many treatments also he could not recover. Doctors said this happened because he suddenly stopped doing everything which he has been doing for long time. “
Well we celebrate the day 15th August as our Independence day only because the Britishers left our country on the same day before 68 years. But do this 15th August really independent everyone in this country?
Does independence allow to waste food and natural resources?
Does independence allow to be corrupted?
Does independence allow to adopt foreign culture and not respecting own culture?
Does independence allow to rape a girl?
Does independence allow to have child labor?
Does independence mean only people having power can raise their voice and others can’t?
If we will go for all the points which reflect that the independence word has been misled then the list might be a much longer one.
The flavor of independence is not bounded in the speech of political leaders on the parade show stage only. The respect to independence does not exist only if we salute the national flag and sing the national anthem on the independence day and forget our responsibility towards our country, our society and towards individuals of this country. The actual independence should be there in the mentality of society and in the life style of individual.
The motive of publishing this post on 16th August instead of on 15th August is that to celebrate the 15th as a festival and realize the actual meaning of independence from the very next day onwards, i.e, from 16th. We are independent but that does not mean we will forget to respect our country, culture, women, responsibilities and duties. If this, then we are not actually independent. Only Britishers have left our country but the sick mentality within individual and society has kept this country imprisoned till today and it will continue forever.
This is a post under Evening Walk column. You may like the other posts under this column. “DinnerBox“, “Train :: Reflection of Society” and “How much 1 paisa matters !!” are some of my other popular Evening Walk posts.
My dear friend i like your post over independence ; but i can not understand actual meaning of independence. If you are saying freedom from British rule then it would be misleading in the sense that we ruled by many others before their arrival. When you talking about mental slavery then it was exist from beginning of life and continuing and it is very different from physical slavery. In the context of freedom from British empire a well saying by Bhagat Singh quoted here “The way country would get freedom is similar to hand over power from one ruler to other” . One greatest fact regarding freedom is astonishing as only 20% or less population aware of slavery. And 80 % people having no interest to get rid off as they are not aware of it and living as usual. Freedom can not possible without honesty, empathy and care. Till our mind filled of guilt and negativity we could not think of the freedom .
Well said Vinod. I appreciate your understanding. My motive is to convey the same message to the society. Everyone should realize that mental freedom with respect for everything and responsibility for own duties will lead to a better future of the nation.
dear – either v will achieve the true sense of independence or ll b perished at the hands of the nature. just wait n watch.
That’s true bro. But just “wait and watch” may not be the proper way to deal with it. We have to be independent from inside with all consciences. Then only the drops of water can be converted to a sea. Hope a true soldier like you understand this very well and in a much better sense than me.
I agree with the fact that honesty is the only key which will lead individual and eventually our country to experience true sense of independence.Looking at the current scenario ,I feel our Youth is awaked and people are reacting on issues.Just hoping this “reactions” will soon turn into “positive actions” n much needed change in society will come.M very much hopeful about it.
Yes true. But we all have to feel the sense of independence not only in terms of our privilege but also in terms of our responsibility.