Coming out of the exam room tomorrow’s probable engineer Raghu told to himself
“आज की paper की तो लग गयी… 😥 कोई नहीं next paper मैं फाड़ डालूँगा. इस बार पूरे चार modules मैं आग लगा दूँगा ”
Raghu: Bhai Yogi, “When is the next paper?”
Yogi: Saale! exam दे रहा है की Sudoku खेल रहा है? Next paper कब है ये भी याद नहीं!!!
Raghu: भाई बताना. क्या इतना भाऊ खा रहा है
Yogi: दो दिन बाद, first sitting, 9:30am in the morning.
Raghu: क्या बात कर रहा है. दो दिन ग्याप. Thank you भाई. वेसे कौनसा Paper है 🙂
Yogi: 😯 😯 Digital
Raghu: Thank you bhai. बस जो चाह रहा था वो मिल गया.
Yogi: क्या मिल गया
Raghu: नहीं भाई कुछ नहीं. चल मैं निकलता हूँ. मिलते हैं Digital ke paper मैं… मन ही मन “Digital main A+ के नीचे तो सोचना भी नहीं है” 😀
Raghu reached the hostel room. It was 3:00pm in the afternoon. He rushed to his book self for the syllabus of “Digital Electronics”.
4 modules were:
(i) Number System & Boolean Algebra
(ii) Combinational Logic
(iii) Sequential Logic
(iv) State Machine & Memory
Text book was:
Digital Design by M. Morris Mano, Michael D Ciletti
Reference books were:
(1) Digital Fundamentals by Thomas L. Floyd, R. P. Jain
(2) Digital Circuits and Design by S Salivahanan, S Arivazhagan
(3) Digital Systems by Ronald J. Tocci, Neal S. Widmer, Gregory L. Moss
Raghu found Morris Mano from his self. Searched for his room mate book self and found Floyd & Jain. Still he was in search of rest two books. Went to the front room.
Raghu: Oye Virgin (दोस्तों के द्वारा दिए गये नाम), तेरे पास Salivahanan है क्या?
Virgin: साले Raghu ट्यूब लाइट मेरा नाम Virgin नहीं है. नहीं है मेरे पास Salivahanan.
Raghu: भाई गुस्सा क्यूँ कर रहा है. मैं तो तुझे प्यार से बुलाता हूँ. वेसे तू Virgin नहीं है क्या? 😆 ये तो रहा Tocci तेरे book self पे.
Virgin: साले हाथ मत लगाना किताब को. मैं exam नहीं दूँगा क्या बे?
Raghu: भाई कल सुबहा तक दे दूँगा. आबे ये Sonal के class notes का photo copy है ना. तेरे पास केसे आया बे. चक्कर चल रहा है क्या तुम दोनो का?
Virgin: चुप कर कुत्ते. भाभी है हमारा. Despo (दोस्तों के द्वारा दिए गये नाम) भाई की है वो. बड़े मुस्किल से Despo से भाभी की notes माँग के photo copy बनाया हूँ.
Raghu: ठीक है. भाभी की class notes ले रहा हूँ. लौटाता हूँ तुझे एक घंटे मैं Photo copy करवा के
Virgin: यार Raghu तू भी क्या नमूना है. चल मैं rest ले रहा हूँ एक घंटे के लिए. 5 बजे तक मेरा notes वापस हो जाना चाहिए
While Coming back from Virgin’s room, Raghu scheduled everything for the next 2 days.
” Salivahanan नहीं मिला. कोई नहीं, इतना पढ़ लेते हैं. काफ़ी है. हो जाना चाहिए. I should go through Morris Mano first. But I have to return “Tocci” by tomorrow morning. अब around 200 pages के भाभी की notes भी आ गये. उसे भी पढ़ना हे”
Master Plan till Digital Exam
Today till 5:00pm – भाभी की notes photo copy करना है
5:00pm till tomorrow 2:00am – Tocci all four modules complete
2:00am till 5:00am – sleep
6:00am till 11:00am – First 2 modules from Morris Mano
12:00pm till 5:00pm – Last 2 modules from Morris Mano
6:00pm till day after tomorrow 2:00am – All 4 modules from Floyd & Jain
2:00am till 5:00am – sleep
6:00am till 11:00am – भाभी की पूरा class notes
12:00pm till 5:00pm – Revision
6:00pm till exam day 2:00am – Revision
2:00am till 4:00am – Sleep
4:00am till – 8:00am – Revision
8:00am till 9:00am – Ready for exam
Reghu went to market with the class notes. He photo copied the notes and bought some soup and noodle packets for late night study. Raghu reached hostel around 5:00pm.
Exactly at 5:00pm, he opened the Tocci book.
15 minutes gone… 1st page done. And the alarm of the table clock was set for 6:00pm.
“आबे Raghu उठ साले 5 बजे notes return करेगा बोलके 8 बज गया है यहा गधे की तराहा सो रहा है”
Raghu had his dinner. Scolded himself a lot for sleeping. At 9:00pm he started from the 2nd page of “Tocci”. He studied till 10:00pm – till page number 6. One hour and only 5 pages. Need a soup for energy. prepared the soup and taken. The clock was showing 10:30pm. Started from page number 7. 10 minutes gone. Did not get a concept on page number 8. Connected the internet to search about the topic. One more tab opened with Then the suggested video on the youtube page ” The Lost Heroine : Mahima Chaudhry “dragged the attention. Then one after another “The Lost Heroine” stories and many more.
It was around 1:00am Raghu realized that he opened the browser for some other reason. Then he thought it is of no meaning continuing with Tocci for the remaining 1 hour. वेसे भी same concepts बाकी तीन जगह से तो पढ़ना ही है. अभी सो जाना चाहिए. 5 बजे की जगह कल सुबहा 4 बजे उठ जाऊँगा. तो कल ज़्यादा time मिलेगा पढ़ने के लिए.
“Raghu उठ जा साले. दिन के बारा बज रहा है. कितना सोएगा. Tocci ले रहा हूँ.”
After lunch at 2:00pm – “Floyd & Jain” kept back on room mate’s book self.
Only “Moris Mano” and “Class notes” to be covered.
5:00 pm – 1st chapter of Moris Mano done (Number System). Enough of study. थोड़ा बाहर से घूम के आना चाहिए. Mind fresh हो जाएगा तो concentration better होगा. while roaming outside, Raghu realized that he should not concentrate on multiple sources. In this way he won’t be able to finish all the 4 modules. He has to choose either “Morris Mano” or “Class notes”. किताब पढ़ने से बेकार का टाइम वेस्ट हो रहा है. जरूरत का चीज़ कम पता चल रहा है. Class notes would be the best option.
At 8:00pm – “Moris Mano” kept back on the book self. Went for dinner.
At 9:00pm – “One day is enough for covering the class notes. अभी मन लग नहीं रहा है. HD print of “3 Idiots” is still there in D-drive. It is very much necessary to boost the moral. It would help me tomorrow to study a lot.”
Day before the exam:
क्या, बारा बज गये … F***
After lunch at 1:30pm – फटाफट दो दो घंटे मैं एक एक module ख़तम करता हू. Then revision.
At 6:00pm – 15 pages from notes are covered. Less than half of the 1st module.
Raghu decided it is better to read 2 modules properly rather than going for 4 modules without getting clear in any one. Raghu closed the door of his hostel room.
On that day Raghu did not have his dinner. At 11:00pm Raghu updated his facebook status “I QUIT”.
Virgin opened the door. Raghu requested “भाई एक दो important question बता दे यार. नहीं तो fail हो जाऊँगा”. Virgin replied “भाई तू last moment मे मुझे disturb मत कर. Time नहीं है मेरे पास. तू एक काम कर. Number System देख ले.”
Raghu went to bed. Next day (on the exam day) he woke up at 6:00am because of some noise. Someone was knocking on the door. He opened the door. No one was there. He looked to the left. Virgin was knocking on the door of the side room.
Virgin was saying “भाई Despo door खोल, एक दो important question बता दे यार. नहीं तो fail हो जाऊँगा “.
Despo replied from inside the room “कुत्ते मुझे Despo मत बुलाया कर. तू last moment मे मुझे disturb मत कर. Time नहीं है मेरे पास. तू एक काम कर. Number System देख ले.”

Moral of the story –
Attend lecture
Because grades matter
During the exam fever
You will never suffer 😉