The whole India is busy after “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” for last one month with the inspiration of our Prime minister. It’s good that many celebrities are getting involved in this mission and somewhere the “hope of making India clean” is getting brighter. India is a large nation and it has many challenges in front of it. Only cleaning the country will not make India healthy. Each and every Indian should be healthy to make India healthy. And this mission should start from the individual home level of the country. If each child of a family is healthy then the family is healthy, similarly if each home of a country is healthy then the country is healthy.

I remember, during my childhood when I fell sick, my parents were feeling like even they were also sick. Nobody in my home was taking proper food and drink during that period. And it’s the same story of every home in India. So every child of our country should be healthy to make “the dream of healthy India” an actual success. In our country most of the children fall sick due to unsafe drinking water, improper food and poor sanitation. This happens because of less awareness regarding these issues in many families in our country.
Let’s have a look on the following statistics from UNICEF India:
An estimated 400,000 children under 5 years of age die each year due to diarrhoea. Several million more suffer from multiple episodes of diarrhoea and still other fall ill on account of Hepatitis A, enteric fever, intestinal worms and eye and skin infections caused by poor hygiene and unsafe drinking water.

Seasonal cold, fever and stomach infections are very common to the children in our country. These health problems can be fought by providing nutritious food, clean water, proper sanitation and healthy environment to our children. Every home should have toilets to provide proper sanitation. Children should be encouraged to wash their hands and mouth properly before and after taking food. Boiled clean water should be taken as drinking water. Daily food should be rich in nutrition to provide all kind of development during growing age. Other than healthy meals they should be given fruits, nuts, milk and Chyawanprash everyday to get all types of nourishment.
Care should be taken in proper cleanliness of kids. They should brush their teeth and have bath everyday to be away from dental and skin problems. Other than these, children should be encouraged to have some physical activities everyday. Exercise should be a part of their daily routine. They should play some outdoor games everyday to have good physical and mental health.

For overall fitness of the children the ambiance of the environment where they live should be healthy. They should be encouraged to try whatever they want, should be talked with if they feel depressed, should be able to make friends and should find hundreds of reasons to smile with full of heart.
Hoping to live in a healthy India would be a reality very soon.
Nice words making good combination to understand very beautiful fact about India that how with a single person decline due to health issue brings down whole family in India. Instead of hot drinking water we must make available water of Ganga which does requires any water treatment. Initiative of cleaning Ganaga and India definitely bring a positive wave specially due to involvement of PM of India.
Rightly said Vinod