This post gives the list of IIITs secured their place in top 100 engineering institute in India, ranked by National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) by MHRD, Govt. of India in the year 2018. Students should go through this ranking to get a fair idea about the institute.
This list holds only 5 IIITs. As most of the IIITs are pretty new, they could not fix their place in this list. Two more IIITs as below got their rank within 101 to 200, though the exact rank is not mentioned by NIRF.
- ABVIIITM Gwalior
- IIITDM Kancheepuram
IIIT Ranking 2018 by NIRF with with Score
Dear Sumanshu,
It is difficult to predict the exact closing rank of any institute based on last year’s statistics, as it varies every year. Though we don’t find much deviation but still it is difficult to guess beforehand. Hopefully you would get through any one of these. Otherwise you can go for ECE branch as well in these institutes.
I believe you will get educational loan from any bank in India if you have a seat from any of the IIITs. So, don’t worry for that.
All the best for your future endeavor… Let me know if you need any further information.
Sir my rank is 25800 so for chemical engineering which will be best nit hamirpur durgapur or hbtu
Dear Sumanshu,
For the chemical engineering the preference order will be:
1. HBTU (this institute is famous for the chemical engineering branch)
2. NIT Durgapur
3. NIT Hamirpur (relatively new. So, you might not find all the infrastructure set up for this branch)
thank u very much sir for help and quick reply
sir , what should be the prefernce order of the above mention colleges on basis of placements , fees {loan easily available} , place {far from my place ok if it is a good institute} , and how to choose the prefernce order as all of them are new iiits ?
for new iiits should we consider the mentor institutes while deciding the prefernce order like iiit surat is running in svnit surat and iiit trichy is running in nit trichy .also sir is it advange is new iiits are running in mentor institutes like top nits ?
sir is IT AND CSE almost same branch so that should i choose IT in some good iiits??
sir can we change the prefernce order once set in josaa before choice filling of josaa ends?
and sir do we have to pay the remittanace fees 35000 by ourself or we will get loan of it very soon before the process ends ?
thank u very much sir
Dear Sumanshu,
You have asked so many questions. I would answer them one by one.
Q: what should be the preference order of the above mention colleges on basis of placements , fees {loan easily available} , place {far from my place ok if it is a good institute}?
Ans: The preference should be on the basis of Faculty & Education system, Placement (if already 2 or 3 batches are passed out; but all these institutes are pretty new, so, you won’t find any placement statistics), sometime place (for example I would prefer to go for IIIT Bhopal rather than going to IIIT Bhagalpur as Bhopal is a capital city and it would have more exposure than Bhagalpur). Sometime you need to decide based on fees (If the fees are very much different from institute to institute). But I think all these new IIITs would have similar fee structure and I think you should not find difficulty to get a loan from bank with a seat in any of the IIIT.
Q: how to choose the preference order as all of them are new iiits?
Ans: Generally the preference order is decided on the basis of the above points in the last question we have discussed along with institute’s research output. But as you rightly said, all these are new institutes and are not much different from each other with respect to all the discussed parameters. You have also rightly mentioned the answer, that in this case we should take a decision on the basis of the parent institute. This is because, the child institute would be guided properly by a good parent institute. And in initial days, till the time the child institute would not be shifted to its permanent campus, the parent institute’s faculty members would teach you and you can use the infrastructure of the parent institute just like you are one of the student of the same institute (This is the case in most of the new institutes, there might be couple of deviations). So, in your example I would prefer IIIT Trichy than IIIT Surat.
Q: is IT AND CSE almost same branch so that should i choose IT in some good iiits?
Ans: IT is more like full of programming languages, and Algorithm. CSE is a mixture of Programming language, Algorithm and Computer Hardware Organization. Industry prefer CSE than IT. Until and unless you are getting IT in a very good institute like IIIT Allahabad or so, don’t prefer IT. I would suggest, prefer CSE over IT.
Q: Can we change the preference order once set in josaa before choice filling of josaa ends?
Ans: I think yes. But you get it confirmed from the Josaa instructions.
Q: do we have to pay the remittanace fees 35000 by ourself or we will get loan of it very soon before the process ends?
Ans: I think this amount, you have to arrange. As getting a loan would take some time. But it again depends from bank to bank. You sould contact the banks as soon as you are confirm with your seat.
Hi Shuaib,
Thanks a lot !!!
Which iiit best for Civil
Hi Suraj,
IIITs do not have Civil branch. Generally they have CSE and ECE branch. Few of them have mechanical branch.
Sir i am get a rank of 115000 in gen category with a percentile of 89.747.will i get any seat in josaa counselling in cse,ece and it branches??
I’m getting 25900 rank in JEE mains…is it possible for me to get any branch even biotech in top nits like Trichy or surathkal …then apply for branch upgrade there…it is really tough I know.but is it possible to get there?can branch be upgraded to cs next year?
Dear Sameer,
You might get a seat in Mining Engineering in NIT Surathkal. Or you may try for spot rounds in these top NITs. And people do upgrade to branches after the 1st year. But it has always some stringent criteria along with the performance in the first year. And the number of up-gradations are very less every year. So, do give a deep thought before taking such decisions, as you never know whether you would be able to upgrade later.
I have also got a general rank of 306 in MMM Gorakhpur.Is it better to take cs in MMM,than in new IIITs?What about placements there?which is better?I live in Varanasi.So what should I opt for?I want to take cs,it or ece,in NITs or IIITs,placement is my utmost priority.Should I quit the idea of branch upgrade?
Dear Sameer,
MMM Gorakhpur is no doubt a good institute. But IIITs have national level reputation and branding. IIITs are in growing phase now, so, they would definitely focus more on students education and placement. I would prefer IIITs over MMM. Of course you can keep MMM at a higher preference level than north eastern IIITs / NITs.
I would suggest you to drop the idea of branch upgrade.
Sir,I finally got CSE in IIIT Vadodara, Gujarat.Is it worth going there?Fees is also around 2 lakh per year.and highest placement from the first batch was only 6 lakh p.a…ie.just 50,000 per month… equivalent to any old UPTU private clg placements.
Should I go for Special round.My rank was 26960.Can I get better than this? Should I really go to Vadodara.I live in Varanasi.Is it worth going there?If not,what would be better option for me?Plz help me.
Dear Sameer,
IIIT Vadodara is a pretty new IIIT. So, it would take some time to be get very good placements. First batch of any institute always face little challenges. I am sure in next 3 to 4 years it would get very good placement as well. It is mentored by DAIICT which is a very good institute.
Coming to fees, almost all the IIIT would charge you similar fees.
If you have any other better option then you can definitely go for that, but I would say CSE in IIIT Vadodara is a good option.
Sir i am get a rank of 115000 in gen category with a percentile of 89.747.will i get any seat in josaa counselling in cse,ece and it branches??
Hi Srilekha,
With your rank, it is difficult to get a seat in CSE, ECE, and IT branches in good colleges (NITs / IIITs). You can try for your state GFTI and other good private universities.
Sir, my obc category rank is 13420 in jee mains., than plz prefer the most suitable college for civil or electrical which I may get.
Dear Rishu,
With your rank, it looks difficult to get civil or electrical in any NIT. You can try for your state GEC or good private universities.
Respected Sir,
I am getting a rank of 59097 in jee mains. would you please suggest me some nits and iiits for the branch ECE And GFITS too . Am I able to get a seat in any one of these colleges sir…
Dear Vijay,
With your rank getting ECE branch little tough. Try for the north eastern NITs and IIITs. Other than these you can try for few good GFTIs like NSIT, HBTU, COEP Pune etc.
You can have a look on the list of good GFTIs in the following post:
If you are very much interested to go for ECE, then also you can give a look on few reputed private engineering Universities as mentioned in the following posts.
If you still need further guidance, let me know.
Thank you Sir…
Most welcome Vijay
Sir i am in iiit bhubaneswar (ece branch ). Is it good option???
Hi Raj IIIT Bhubaneswar ece branch is a good option. But are you already in IIIT Bhubaneswar or you are planning to take admission?
Respected sir,
I am getting a rank of 59097 in jee mains would you please suggest me some nits,iiits,and gfits,in which i can able to get a seat in ECE branch…
Hi Sir,
My brother has got a General rank of 30000 and OBC NCL rank of 7500.
Can you please let us know if he get admission into CSE branch in ECE, MECH, EEE, CSE in any of these institutes.
NIT Durgapur
NIT Allahabad
NIT Calicut
NIT Jaipur
NIT Bhopal
NIT Silchar
NIT Surat
NIT Hamirpur
Thanks in Advance,
Dear Girish,
Can you please let me know, if any of the mentioned NIT in your home state?
Dear Girish,
If none of the above NITs are from your home state then you can try the following options. Your brother might get a seat in some later round.
1. NIT Durgapur – Bio Technology, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
2. NIT Allahabad – Production and Industrial Engineering
3. NIT Calicut – Bio Technology, Chemical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Production Engineering
4. NIT Jaipur – Chemical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
5. NIT Bhopal – Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
6. NIT Silchar – Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
7. NIT Surat – Chemical Engineering
8. NIT Hamirpur – Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
SIR what woud be the order among iiit kancheepuram, iiit jabalpur and iiit sricity for cse on the basis of faculty and placements??????
Dear Deepchand,
The order will be as follows:
1. IIIT Jabalpur
2. IIIT Kancheepuram
3. IIIT Sricity
Dear Deepchand,
IIIT Kancheepuram is older than IIIT Sricity. So, currently its placement status is better than IIIT Sricity. But I believe, after 4 years placement of IIIT Sricity would also be good.
will there be any difference between computer engineering and computer science engineering and which is better among them?
Dear Deepchand,
I don’t think there is any difference between computer engineering and computer science engineering…
This is dependent upon institute to institute. Some call it as computer engineering and some call it as computer science engineering.
But if you have to choose one among them then go for computer science engineering.
Sir i have got 58000 air gen and 15800 rank in obc category pls suggest me some iiit and nit and gfti
Hi Vikash,
Sorry for a delayed response.
With your general rank it is difficult to get a seat in any NIT/IIIT. With your OBC rank you can try for your home state NIT rare engineering branches (for details you can visit You can also try for your home state GFTI. Just give a try for IIIT Manipur and IIIT Bhagalpur. There might be a chance of getting a seat with your OBC rank in these 2 institutes.
My rank in JEE MAINS was 17448. Can I get CSE in IIIT Kancheepuram?
Dear Suyash,
With your rank, it is difficult to get CSE in IIIT Kancheepuram. You can get a seat in CSE for 5 years dual degree program in IIIT Kancheepuram…
sir , what should be the prefernce order of the above mention colleges on basis of placements , fees {loan easily available} , place {far from my place ok if it is a good institute} , and how to choose the prefernce order as all of them are new iiits ?
for new iiits should we consider the mentor institutes while deciding the prefernce order like iiit surat is running in svnit surat and iiit trichy is running in nit trichy .also sir is it advange is new iiits are running in mentor institutes like top nits ?
Dear Sudhaara,
The ranking order of new iiits are mostly decided by the mentor institutes as most of these new institutes are running in these mentor institutes now as they don’t have their permanent campus yet. These institutes use the facility and infrastructure of mentor institute. Mentor institute’s faculties conduct the classes in most of the cases.
So more or less you can decide the ranking of these new institute on the basis of the status of the mentor institute. You can also consider the place while deciding the ranking.
Any further information needed, let me know.
if we opt these new iiits which are under the mentor nits do we get good placements accordingly that of the mentor institute .and is it a good option to take a college which doesnt have a permanent campus yet or better opt another GFTI which is available at this rank
Dear Vilas, It depends sometime. In my opinion you should go for the IIIT which has its own campus. Becausethe infrastructure is already ready. So the academic challenges would be less. But some time the other option works very well as well. For example IIIT Lucknow is performing very well under IIIT Allahabad mentorship and inside its campus. So what I would suggest, if you are getting a IIIT whose mentor institute is very very good, then go for that otherwise go for the IIIT with its own campus. Again you should go for IIIT comparison to GFTI until and unless the GFTI is like HBTU, COEP, VJTI etc.
Sir is iiit Lucknow would be good with Information technology???
It is a good option.
Sir iiit sonepat in IT / iiit jabalpur in ME. Which is the best option for me.please?
Dear Ankit,
IIIT Jabalpur ME is a much better option than IIIT Sonepat IT.
is iiit sricity worth of joining my rank is 28000
Dear Akshath,
IIIT Sri City is a very good institute and one of the fastest growing institute among all new IIIT. It is really worth joining there.
I want to participate in special round of CSAB.(24 July-26July).I have been alloted IIIT Vadodara.If I didn’t get any seat in special round and if I’m not reporting at Vadodara between 19-23 July,then what will happen to my seat?will it be there?Is it compulsory to take my father there,as he is heart patient and it’s long distance?plz answer.
if you have not reported on or before 23rd or monring 24th July, 2018, your seat has been withdrawn. NOw it is better to register yourself online on csab portal for special round of counseling for getting seat in NIT /IIIT/GFTI institutes.
Sir i got 37500 rank in jee mains exam. 7 rounds have been completed yet iam not selected in anyone of the round and now spot round had came.. and i wanna put options in top nits nd iiits by course wise preferences and apart from that my doubt is is it good to choose mining and biotechnology some other low preferenced courses in those colleges? And those courses will bring me the good job?
Dear Sai,
Personally I prefer a good institute with low preferred branch than a moderate institute with highly preferred branch like CSE \ ECE. This is because you get good environment in a good institute along with good faculty members and placement opportunities. Remember, all the branches have opportunities if you do well. Both Mining and Biotechnology has good job opportunities. Biotechnology has very good research scope as well.
Respected sir
My JEE MAIN AIR is 4352 and JEE ADV AIR 8246.
I have chosen IIIT Allahabad’s IT . Is this right for me according to placement statistics. Is IIIT Allahabad’s IT is better than CSEof some NITs (Jaipur, rourkela, calicut etc.)
Dear Kalyan,
IIIT Allahabad is a very good institute. Its IT department is equally good as CSE in NIT Jaipur / Rourkela / Calicut.
JEE Mains : 84000 any possibility of CSE, EC or IT branch in IIIT or better GFTI.
kindly suggest today is last date for online applications.
Dear Suresh,
It is little difficult to get CSE, EC or IT branch in IIIT with this rank. You can try for GFTIs.
how is IIIT Bhubaneshwar??
IIIT Bhubaneswar is a moderate institute. It is not as good as IIIT Hyderabad but provides good education and placement. Can be considered for a B.Tech degree. Go for CSE if you are choosing IIIT Bhubaneswar.
Sir my rank is 32000,can you please give me the ranking of new iiit for choice filling of special round?
I was alloted iiit Kota ece highly biased towards cse.
Dear Jatin,
With your rank you can try for CSE in IIIT Pune, IIIT Bhopal, IIIT Ranchi, IIIT Manipur. I think ECE is a good option in IIIT Kota as well.
Hi sir
My JEE MAINS rank is 24862
In which all institutes would i get CSE
especially IIITs as i have no idea about which IIIT is a better option to choose
also if not CSE which other branch can i get in the top NITs
Dear Krish,
With your rank you can go for branches other than CSE, ECE, Electrical, Mechanical in top NITs. You can try for ECE in almost all the new IIITs. For CSE you can try for IIIT Ranchi, IIIT Pune, IIIT Bhopal, IIIT Manipur.
sir which top nits would be ideal for my rank and is ECE good in the new IIITs.How are the IIITs that you mentioned, are they good? and I am also getting Comp. Engg. in state university Sardar Patel Institute of technology. which one should I choose
Hey Krish,
You can try for all the top ranked NITs (Trichy, Warangal, Rourkela, Surathkal, Allahabad, Calicut, Jaipur, Bhopal).
IIITs are the institutes which promote information technology. Though CSE would be a better choice in IIITs, still ECE can be considered as good as well. The IIITs I mentioned are pretty new. But with a national brand, I believe these institutes would perform well.
I would suggest you to go with IIIT rather than joining a state university.
but sardar patel is a state university yet it ranks within the top 100-150 band by NIRF
also i might get VJTI electronics..these institutes rank in top 100. thats the reason why i am confused whether to choose those or the new IIITs as they have no rank.please answer this
also how is NIT nagpur and IIIT nagpur…..
Sir is IIIT Dharwad a better option over pes University, Bangalore?
Dear Vidya,
IIIT Dharwad is definitely a better option than PES University. Though PES University is also a good university, but IIIT Dharwad is mentored by IIIT Bangalore and Infosys and are having very good faculties. So, IIIT Dharwad is a better option.
Sir, I got 1080 rank in St preparatory, where can I get the seat? And Y is graph of nits decreasing?
Hi sir, my daughter secured 2325 all India rank based on final NTA score in ST category and Common Rank List 172366 in recently concluded JEE mains. She is interested in CSE. Is there any chance of her getting through one of the top 5 NITs or IIITs.Pl guide us.
Dear Sonam ji,
With rank in ST category and with girl’s quota, it is little difficult to predict things. It is a luck thing. For Example, last year 2446 (ST girl) got a seat in NIT Trichy for home state whereas there were no entry for other stae, there was no entry under this category in NIT Warangal for home state and 248 for other state, NIT Surathkal – 877 for home state and 458 for other state.
So, I would suggest, you should give a try. Another suggestion – definitely try for your home state NIT.
Sir ,my jee rank 67541(Gn)…. on choice locking I had choosen only nit,,, unfortunately I didn’t get any nit…so now what I have to do…. please suggest, and guide me…. I am so upset… I really need WhatsApp no 7079481235…. plzzzzz anyone can help…..
Try for spot round in different institutes
sir i have been alloted IT(branch) in IIIT BHOPAL i have also got cse in gndec punjab and i am also thinking going into sharda univ so,which should be better option for me pls suggest
Dear Rajiv,
You can give a thought about cse in gndec punjab. But do not go for Sharda University. I would suggest IT in IIIT Bhopal is the best option.
Urgent pls.
How is IT at IIIT Vadodra ?
Is there any Any chance for me at 52000 rank .
Hi Richi,
IIIT Vadodara is a good institute. IT branch at this institute can be considered as a good choice. With your rank it is little tough to get into this institute. But still you can try your luck. All the best.
Sir Top Urgent.
I have been reading your several replies to various aspirants. I need your honest and quick advice.
My daughter has got IT in IIIT Vadodara and she also got ECE & EEE in IIIT Bhubaneshwar. What should I do? The other question that i am confused with is, what should be my priority within IIITs? is it Indian Institutes or International Institutes from a national / international reputation point of view. Thank you sir.
Dear Sameer,
Of course Indian gets a better brand value than international, though IIIT Hyderabad and Bangalore are the exceptions.
Now coming to both the institutes you have mentioned, IIIT Bhubaneswar is an older institute than IIIT Vadodara. IIIT Bhubaneswar is a good institute, though it is not a top class institute. IIIT Vadodara is a pretty new institute. Though it has the tag as Indian and is mentored by DAIICT (which is a very good institute), still it is very new and it will take little more time to get completely stable. But by the time your daughter will be graduated, I believe IIIT Vadodara must be all set for good placement.
Now my preference order will be as follows 1. IT in IIIT Vadodara 2. IIIT Bhubaneswar ECE 3. IIIT Bhubaneswar EEE. If your daughter want to pursue her career in public sectors rather than going to IT industry then you can go for EEE in IIIT Bhubaneswar with your first preference.
Thank you very much sir…Really appreciated your candid recommendation. Precisely this is what i thought and now your input gave much needed boost to the confidence.
Once again Thanks.
Most welcome Sameer.
I am glad that I could help you taking the correct decision.
Dear Sidhartha,
Thanks for Guiding students will contact after JEE Mains Exams my daughter is passionate in Car designing course in India or abroad
Hi Mohammad welcome. Your daughter can go for a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering or automobile engineering. Then she can go for her masters in automobile engineering or autocad engineering.
Is not Delhi or iiit Delhi better
Hi Mukul,
I believe you are asking about NIT Delhi and IIIT Delhi. In my opinion IIIT Delhi is way better than NIT Delhi if you will consider the CSE and ECE branch. The faculty members in IIIT Delhi have very good profile and the placement record is also very good in case of IIIT Delhi.
Hi Harris,
I would suggest you to go for the following colleges in the mentioned order:
1. IIIT Delhi
2. DTU
3. NSIT / NIT Delhi
IIIT Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi and Allahabad are very good. You can also try for IIIT Gwalior, Jabalpur and Kancheepuram.
I am expecting 130 marks in JEE Mains April 2019. I belong to SC Category. Will I get CSE in IIITDM Kanchipuram?
Hi Saikrithik,
Can you please mention your SC rank?
No idea!! Careers360 rank predictor predicted my category rank to be in between 600-1000. Is careers360 rank predictor good?and will I get CSE in IIITDM Kanchipuram?
Hi Saikrithik,
I am not sure about the accuracy of careers360 rank predictor. Again this year things are little unpredictable because of 2 jee.
But I think with your marks in SC category you should get a seat in iiitdm Kancheepuram cse
Which is good…. NIT puducherry or IIITDM Kanchipuram?
Hi Saikrithik,
Both are good institutes. But I know IIITDM Kancheepuram personally. It is a very good institute. It has very good infrastructure and faculties as well. You can go for it.
And will I get CSE in NIT Puducherry?
Hi Saikrithik,
Ideally you should get a CSE seat as per your SC score in NIT Puducherry.
Hi Saikrithik,
My daughter ‘s rank is 16000 in JEE mains. She is interested to do CSE or EC . Pls suggest best IIIT/NIT for her. Thanks
Dear Vandana ji,
Can you please mention your home state…
Dear Vandana ji,
If you can mention which is your home state, that would help me to predict whether you will get a seat in your home state NIT or not. Right now I am giving you the list of top 10 NIT (/IIIT) considering all these are not from your home state. All these preference predictions are mentioned for CS and ECE branch separately.
1. NIT Silchar
2. NIT Agartala (Borderline)
3. IIIT Sri City
4. IIIT Guwahati
5. IIIT Srirangam
6. IIIT Vadodara
7. IIIT Dharwad
8. NIT Srinagar
9. IIIT Surat
10. IIIT Pune
1. NIT Jalandhar
2. NIT Raipur (Borderline)
3. NIT Silchar
4. NIT Hamirpur
5. NIT Andhra Pradesh
6. NIT Agartala
7. IIITDM Jabalpur
8. NIT Srinagar
9. NIT Puducherry
10. NIT Goa
Hi Sidhartha,
I got a score of 25355 (GEN Category) in JEE Mains 2019. Please suggest which colleges i should focus on for IT as well as non-IT branches?
Rohan, Haryana
Hi Rohan,
Can you please mention your home state…
Also mention which are the branches you are interested in. I mean there are so many non-IT branches. It will be easier to suggest if you can mention your preferred branches.
Hi Sidhartha,
Thanks for replying.
My home state is Haryana.
Ideally, I would like to go for CS/IT/ECE branch in somewhat reputed college which has got decent placements, but i suppose my rank is not that great. So I am in a fix. My order of preference is
1. CS/IT
2. ECE
3. Electrical
4. Mechanical
Hi Rohan,
Since you are from Haryana, your home state NIT is NIT Kurukshetra. I am predicting top 10 institutes separately for the different branches you have mentioned, where you might get a seat. You can also try for Civil Engineering or Production Engineering in NIT Kurukshetra, if you are interested. For your information, I have considered Electrical branch as well as Electrical and Electronics branch equivalent.
1. IIIT Guwahati (Borderline case)
2. NIT Srinagar
3. IIIT Sonepat
4. IIIT Vadodara
5. IIIT Dharwad
6. IIIT Kalyani
7. IIIT Kota
8. IIIT Nagpur
9. IIIT Bhubaneswar
10. IIIT Kottayam
1. IIIT Sri City
2. IIIT Guwahati
3. NIT Srinagar
4. NIT Agartala (Borderline case)
5. NIT Meghalaya
6. IIIT Srirangam (Borderline case)
7. IIIT Sonepat
8. IIIT Dharwad
9. IIIT Pune
10. IIIT Bhubaneswar
1. NIT Srinagar
2. NIT Agartala
3. NIT Uttarakhand
4. NIT Meghalaya
5. IIIT Bhubaneswar
6. NIT Manipur
7. NIT Mizoram
8. NIT Nagaland
9. NIT Sikkim
10. NIT Arunachal Pradesh
1. IIITDM Jabalpur
2. IIITDM Kancheepuram
3. NIT Srinagar
4. NIT Andhra Pradesh (Borderline case)
5. NIT Agartala
6. NIT Meghalaya
7. IIIT Kurnool
8. IIIT Bhagalpur (Mechatronics Engineering)
9. NIT Manipur
10. NIT Sikkim
Hi Sidharth,
Is Thapar CS a good option ?
Hi Rohan,
Thaper is a very good private institute. CS in Thapar is good. You can consider the same to take admission.
Dear Sir
My JEE main 2019 Rank is 24980 in General category having percentile score is 97.7999.
Can you suggest CSE in NIT and IIIT which can be a possible choice for me.
Please suggest 5 possible NIT and IIIT .
Dear Shailendra,
Can you please mention your home state…
Dear Shailendra,
If you can mention which is your home state, that would help me to predict whether you will get a seat in your home state NIT or not. Right now I am giving you the list of top 5 NIT (/IIIT) considering all these are not from your home state. All these preference predictions are mentioned for CS branch only.
1. IIIT Guwahati (Borderline case)
2. NIT Srinagar
3. IIIT Vadodara
4. IIIT Dharwad
5. IIIT Kalyani
My son’s mains-2019 rank is 14611 in General category having percentile score is 98.7300219. Our Home state is GUJARAT. He is interested in CS or CSE. Which is best from NIT, IIIT, VITEE, Manipal , DAIICT (Gandhinagar), Nirma Uni(Ahmedabad) or SRM? Please give me suggestion. If NIT or IIIT is best then suggest colleges for selection.
Dear Nrupeshkumar ji,
Both DAIICT and VITEE are good. But I would suggest you should go for a good NIT and IIIT, if you are getting it. Before starting with the actual suggestion, I am just listing my preference order of the private universities you have mentioned as below:
2. VIT
3. Manipal
4. NIrma
5. SRM
Below I am putting top 15 predicted institutes in preference order for CS or CSE where your son might expect to get a seat
1. NIT Andhra Pradesh (Borderline Case)
2. NIT Agartala
3. IIITDM Jabalpur (Borderline case)
4. IIITDM Kancheepuram (Borderline case)
5. NIT Meghalaya
7. IIIT Sri City
8. IIIT Vadodara
8. IIIT Dharwad
9. IIIT Guwahati
10. IIIT Srirangam
11. IIIT Kota
12. IIIT Pune
13. IIIT Surat
14. IIIT Kottayam
15. VIT
Thank you so much for your guidance
Most welcome Nrupesh ji
how are about NIT Pantna, Puducherry adn Uttarakhand?
Nit Patna is comparatively good.
You can consider NIT Patna, then NIT Puducherry, and then NIT Uttarakhand
Dear sidharthaji,
If we want to include nit patna in the list of 15 colleges that u gave then what rank will u give nit patna. Thanks..
Dear Nrupesh ji,
The list which I have given is for only CSE. If you are getting CSE in NIT Patna, then you can keep it in top 5. If any other branch, then you can bring it down to number 8.
Whether i should opt for CSE/IT at HBTU or Electrical/Mechanical at PEC or BIT Mesra. or i should go for Dhirubhai
Hi Manit,
My preference order will be as below:
2. CSE DAIICT (Dhirubhai)
3. Electrical/Mechanical PEC
4. Electrical/Mechanical BIT Meshra
Hi Sir,
I am Sumukh, My JEE mains NTA score is 99.04(percentile) and rank is 11107. Can I get a seat in IIIT Bangalore for Integrated MTech course(CSE/ECE)? Is there a home quota reservation for students from Karnataka for IIIT Bangalore ?. I belong to General Category.
I have a probable chance of getting a seat for Electrical Engineering in NIT Suratkal or Calicut. I am confused on what should be my preference if I am eligible for a seat in IIIT Bangalore( concern on placements)
Hi Sumukh,
I think you should get a seat in IIIT Bangalore. But I would suggest you to go for NIT Suratkal / NIT Calicut. Though IIIT Bangalore is a pretty good institute, iMTech is reletively new in IIIT Bangalore. So, if you are very much passionate about CSE then only join iMTech CSE in IIIT Bangalore.
Thanks so much sir
My jee mains marks is 211 and I belong to General merit.
Do you have any idea of cutoffs for IIITB over past few years?. while surfing through the internet we didn’t find any cutoff ranks for IIITB(the website only says about cutoff marks).This year since the exam pattern has changed(i.e percentile based) I don’t think it is ideal to compare this years marks with the previous years.Also,the next few IIITs ranked down the lane have a lesser cutoff( eg: IIIT Allahabad (ending rank of 10k)
Hi Sumukh,
Since the pattern has been changed this time, it is difficult for me to predict accurately as well. Might be this year cutoff would give us input for the next year. This always happens when there is a change in pattern.
And for your query, The list shows the NIRF ranking. Not necessarily the NIRF ranking gives you the correct ranking always (most of the times it give). Actually in my opinion IIIT Allahabad performs better than (or atleast similar if not better) in CSE as IIIT Bangalore. And IIITA provides a B.Tech degree and IIITB provides an integrated degree. So, expectedly cutoff is more stringent in case of IIITA.
Thank you so much sir..this is a lot of help.
Can You please tell me about the admission procedure for IIIT (through JEE Mains score).
Through JoSAA only.
Hi sir,
In the JoSSA website there is no cutoff available for IIIT-B and IIIT-H.
How can we apply to these colleges? Are you sure the application is through JoSSA, because the website says to apply separately through application form.
Also i have noticed that only IIIT- B and IIIT-H have their names as “international institute of…..”
while the other IIIT’s have “indian institue of …” Which university is it affiliated under?
Thanks a lot in prior
Hi Sumukh,
You can only apply to IIITs through JoSSA which start with “Indian …”. These institutes directly come under MHRD. So, their seat allotment is through JoSSA.
IIIT Hyderabad and IIIT Bangalore comes under the brand “International …”. These institutes are developed under PPP model and does not come directly under MHRD. These institutes must be conducting their seat allotment separately. Don’t worry about affiliation. They must be coming under AICTE and the other accredited bodies in India. Affiliation is nothing but a recognition and certification. Both of these institutes are very good and only the names of these institutes are enough. You need not worry about affiliations for such type of institutes.
JEE main 2019 OBC rank 8644
suggest a good college for me to do cse or ece in.
You can go for IIIT Sri City. This is a very good college.
I have secured 26000 rank in JEE Mains. Should i Opt for IIIT Lucknow ? Is it good ?
Hi Manish,
You can opt for IIIT Lucknow. Though it is relatively new, but it is performing very good.
Hi Sidhartha,
Is the faculty good enough ? I see lot of youngsters there….
Hi Manish,
Faculties are really good. Check their profiles. They all have PhD from good places. And also, engineering fields are dynamic in nature. So, young minds with lot of enthusiasm and updated knowledge perform well. So, don’t worry.
My general rank is 19305 and obc rank is 4300…my HS is MP and I want CS-IT branch… Which is best college option…
Hi Aditya,
You can try for the following 5 institutes. IIIT Sri City is the best option for you.
1. IIIT Sri City
2. IIIT Srirangam
3. IIITDM Kurnool
4. IIIT Dharwad
5. IIIT Guwahati
My son has got 98.11 percentile in JEE Mains and rank 21585
Can he get Electronics in any NIT or IIIT?
Dear Namita ji,
He should get a seat in NIT/IIIT. I am mentioning 10 institutes each for CSE and ECE where your son has a fair chance of getting a seat.
1. IIIT Guwahati
2. NIT Srinagar
3. IIIT Sonepat
4. IIIT Vadodara
5. IIIT Dharwad
6. IIIT Kalyani
7. IIIT Kota
8. IIIT Nagpur
9. IIIT Bhubaneswar
10. IIIT Kottayam
1. IIIT Sri City
2. IIIT Guwahati
3. NIT Srinagar
4. NIT Agartala
5. NIT Meghalaya
6. IIIT Srirangam
7. IIIT Sonepat
8. IIIT Dharwad
9. IIIT Pune
10. IIIT Bhubaneswar
Dear Sir,
I have a CRL of 28215, am from Gen Category and finished 12th from Jaipur, Rajasthan. I am interested in CSE. Pl suggest good IIITs for CSE/ IT for my rank.
Sir, is LNMIIT at Jaipur a good option.
iiit surat vs iiit guwahati
Hi Sudhanshu, IIIT Guwahati is little older than IIIT surat, but both IIIT surat and Guwahati are equally good. You can join according to your place preference.
My son has got 96.38 percentile in JEEmains and ranked 40602. ( General category). Can he get CSE or Electronics in any IIITs. Please suggest other institutions also. He is from Maharashtra .(Mumbai).
Dear Ghosh Ji,
Your son might get a seat in IIIT Manipur (ECE), IIIT Bhagalpur (ECE). If not these institutes then rather I would suggest you to go for good private universities like SNU Greater Noida, VIT Vellore, LNMIIT Jaipur.
where should i go if my rank in jee main is 37500, HS=jharkhand.sir please suggest me
Hi Rahul
You can get a CSE seat in IIIT Ranchi and IIIT Bhagalpur
hello… my son got 12272 rank in JEE mains and HS is Andra pradesh. wanted to know top NIT and IIIT colleges he can get placed with CSE/IT as first preference and ECE as second.
Hi Jaya ji,
Below I am putting top few predicted institutes in preference order for CS or CSE where your son might expect to get a seat. You can consider the same preference order for ECE branch as well.
1. NIT Andhra Pradesh
2. NIT Agartala
3. IIITDM Jabalpur
4. IIITDM Kancheepuram
5. NIT Meghalaya
6. IIIT Sri City
7. IIIT Vadodara
8. IIIT Dharwad
9. IIIT Guwahati
10. IIIT Srirangam
11. IIIT Kota
12. IIIT Pune
13. IIIT Surat
14. IIIT Kottayam
I got air 33000 in jee main.if you get this rank what will you choose ?
i am willing to go for iiit or sastra
i will join only in cse only.
Hi Yashwant,
With your rank, you might get a seat in IIIT Ranchi and IIIT Bhagalpur. For CSE branch, I probably would choose to go for IIIT if getting a seat. This is because the IIITs are established for promoting information technology. So the course curriculum in IIIT are more industry oriented. Also the faculties are very good in IIITs. So go for IIIT if you are getting a seat.
SASTRA is no doubt a good and old university. So, this is also not a bad option compared to new IIITs.
My sons rank is 35700 in Jeemains-2019 (West Bengal Domicile). Will he get CSE or ECE in any IIIT or elsewhere?
Hi Suman Ji,
Your son might get a seat in IIIT Ranchi and IIIT Bhagalpur.
Thanks alot for the response..
We heard that NIT Andhra is not totally established yet n does not have its own campus but do u still want us to consider it? I see u have kept it top is it just becoz it’s my home state?
Also please let me know how are these silchar (CSE)/raipur(IT)/hamirpur(integrated)
Also u have not mentioned IIIT gwalior. How is that?
Please elaborate above option of why n why not. TIA
Jaya Ji,
Let me answer all your questions one by one,
I have put NIT Andhra at the top keeping in mind that it is your home state and its mentor is NIT Warangal (one of the top NIT). If you will notice the cutoff rank trend of NIT Andhra, its growing continuously. This indicates that the institute is now in growing phase and not saturated. Ideally in this condition institute pays more attention on students education and placement. But as you mentioned of-course there are issues like no permanent campus yet and not yet completely established. So there are benefits as well as challenges with this institute. You have to consider all the points and based on the trade-off you can take a decision.
NIT Silchar is a good institute. But with the rank of 12272, CSE in NIT Silchar might be a borderline case. Your son can get an ECE seat at NIT Silchar.
NIT Raipur is also good. But generally gets rank below NIT Silchar. Again CSE is more preferred than IT branch during placement (not always but in general).
NIT Hamirpur is also good. But integrated courses are preferred less during placement. Only if your son is interested in higher studies then it is a good option otherwise not.
I have not mentioned IIIT Gwalior. No doubt this is a very good institute, but it will be an extremely borderline case to get a CSE seat with rank 12272.
If you would ask my personal suggestion then my preference order will be as below (the preference order is made keeping in mind the institute brand, current reputation, branch, place and the probability that your son would get a seat)
1. IIIT Sri city CSE
2. IIITDM Jabalpur CSE
3. IIITDM Kancheepuram CSE
4. NIT Andhra Pradesh CSE
5. NIT Silchar CSE (Borderline)
6. NIT Agartala CSE
7. NIT Raipur IT
8. NIT Silchar ECE
9. IIITDM Jabalpur ECE
10. IIITDM Kancheepuram ECE
This is again my personal view points. Hope this would give you pointers to take a suitable decision.
Thanks alot for ur time n detailed input.
Happy to share that today my son scored 350 in BITSAT.
So he should tentatively get CSE in hyd campus.
So last question is should I now prefer BIT or above colleges?
Jaya ji,
Definitely you should go for CSE in BITS.
hello sir
I have secured 89.97 PERCENTILE in jee mains and i am interested in CSE branch.
Will please help me in predecting which of the NIT’s AND IIIT’s i may get?
my home state is odisha
Hi Aayush,
Can you please mention your Rank? Rank is a more suitable indicator.
my rank is 113108 in general category
Hi Aayush,
With your rank, it is difficult to get into any of the NIT / IIIT
Is there a way to get any govt College like BIT mesra
Hi Aayush,
BIT Meshra is not a govt. College. It is a private college. Of course it is a very good institute. Many of the good private college conduct their own exam like KIITEE (Kiit Bhubaneswar), VITEEE (VIT Vellore), BITSAT (BITS Pilani). Others take from jee mains.
sir My sons JEE Main rank is 25282. Home state jharkhand. His preference is CS, ECE. Electrical, Mechanial. Which college will be best for him.
Dear Sanjay ji,
With the mentioned rank, your son might get the following:
1. IIITDM Jabalpur (Mech.)
2. IIITDM Kancheepuram (Mech.)
3. IIIT Ranchi (CSE, ECE)
4. IIIT Bhagalpur (CSE, ECE, Mechatronics)
5. IIIT Kalyani (CSE)
6. IIIT bhopal (CSE, ECE, IT)
hello sir i have secured 18000rank in jee mains and 4123 rank in obc ncl .
i am from mumbai .
in which college i will get cs or ece
Hi Mangesh,
With the mentioned rank, you can get the following institutes (keeping in mind that you are from Mumbai, institutes are mentioned with preference to the south and western India)
1. IIITDM Jabalpur (ECE)
2. IIITDM Kancheepuram (ECE)
3. IIIT Sri city (both CSE, ECE)
4. IIIT Pune (both CSE, ECE)
5. IIIT Vadodara (both CSE, ECE)
6. IIIT Kota (both CSE, ECE)
7. IIIT Dharwad (both CSE, ECE)
Namaste Sir,
My daughter rank is 28000 in mains-2019 we are in Chennai . Will she get CSE, ECE, EEE or Chemical in any NITs or IIITs or elsewhere? ( preferably South side)
Dear Kowsalya ji,
With the mentioned rank (considering the rank is a general rank), your daughter might get the following:
1. IIIT Kottayam (CSE)
2. IIITDM Kurnool (Both CSE and ECE)
3. IIIT Dharwad (Both CSE and ECE)
4. IIIT Surat (ECE)
Otherwise, you can check for private universities like VIT, SASTRA, AMRITA etc.
Dear Sir, JEE main 30600 (Gen) rank from WB and looking for CSE . Kindly suggest best option please for my son. Regards
Dear Anindya ji,
With the mentioned rank, your son might get CSE in the following institutes:
1. IIIT Kalyani
2. IIIT Nagpur (Borderline)
3. IIIT Surat (Borderline)
4. IIIT Kottayam
5. IIIT Kurnool
6. IIIT Ranchi
7. IIIT Bhagalpur
Dear Sir
My JEE main 2019 Rank is 24959 in General category HOME STATE RAJASTHAN having percentile score is 97.7999.
Can you suggest CSE in NIT and IIIT which can be a possible choice for me.
Please suggest 5 possible NIT and IIIT .
Hi Sushil,
Sorry for a late reply.
You may get a CSE in in the following seats:
1. IIIT Kota
2. IIIT Vadodara
3. IIIT Dharwad
4. IIIT Kurnool
5. IIIT Lucknow
sir my sc rank is 9000 can I get cse or it in any nit or iiit
Hi Vijay,
With your score you might get a CSE seat in IIIT bhagalpur. You might get a better IIIT in special rounds.
Good day Sir,
My son has scored 12354 in JEE Mains General category. Home state Maharashtra.
Could you please guide us best options for CSE and Mechanical Engg.
Hi Venkat ji,
Hi Jaya ji,
Below I am putting top few predicted institutes in preference order for CS or CSE where your son might expect to get a seat. You can consider the same preference order for Mechanical branch as well whereever it is available.
1. NIT Andhra Pradesh
2. NIT Agartala
3. IIITDM Jabalpur
4. IIITDM Kancheepuram
5. NIT Meghalaya
6. IIIT Sri City
7. IIIT Vadodara
8. IIIT Dharwad
9. IIIT Guwahati
10. IIIT Srirangam
11. IIIT Kota
12. IIIT Pune
13. IIIT Surat
14. IIIT Kottayam
Sir Namste I Am Manishkumar. My HS Gujarat. JEE Mains 92.17 PR & 4339 SC Category Rank. Could Get CSE In Top 10 NIT Or IIIT? Please List out In Descending Order If Possible.
Hi Manish,
You can get a CSE seat in IIITs like IIIT Sri City and IIIT Guwahati. You might also get a CSE seat in IIIT Jabalpur / IIIT Kancheepuram towards the last round of counselling if you are lucky.
JEE main rank(OBC-NCL)=8664.
I’m from Maharashtra.
Thinking of joining IIITD&M Kancheepuram Dual Degree CSE.
Do you have any better suggestion?
Hi Atharva,
Sorry for such a late reply.
Dual degree in CSE from IIITD&M Kancheepuram is a good choice. If you are planning for higher studies, it would even help you further.
Hi Sir ,
My JEE mains 2019 gen rank is 136000 and obc-ncl rank 40000..
which nit or iiit may i get sir ?
my percentile is 88
Hi Manas,
You might try for IIIT Bhagalpur and IIIT Manipur. You can also try for north east NITs for uncommon specializations. You can find the list of uncommon specialization in the following link:
sir my general rank is 27000 and ews rank is 3420 homestate is UP sir please guide me in which nit or iiit can iget cse or it ? sir can HBTU KANPUR be best option for me
Hi Vaibhav,
HBTU Kanpur is a very good option. You can also try for IIIT Lucknow, IIIT Pune, and IIIT Kota.
My rank in JEE Mains is 25000 (General category). My Home State is Bihar. I am interested in circuit branches only (CSE, ECE and ELE). Please suggest good institutes both from Faculty and Placement perspective. Ready to go anywhere in India.
Hi Rehan,
You can try for the following institutes:
1. IIIT Kota
2. IIIT Vadodara
3. IIIT Dharwad
4. IIIT Kurnool
5. IIIT Lucknow
hello happy to say my son got 150 marks in JEE advanced 2019 and expected rank will be 5500-6000. So my question is – now would I go with CSE in bits pilani hyd campus or electrical in new IITs if he does not get in olds IITs.
Dear Jaya ji,
Say congratulations and my best wishes to your son.
Now if your son gets Electrical in old IITs then definitely go for that. If not, then you have to figure out what is yours son’s interest. BITS CSE has a very good placement record. If your son is planning for higher studies, then getting an IIT brand would help more. You would find young and dynamic faculty members in new IITs which would provide a more research oriented environment. So, in that case, you can go for Electrical in new IITs. But if your son is more oriented for jobs aligned to CSE domain then go for BITS Hyderabad CSE.
Sir i have a Jee main rank 24332(gn). i scored 302 in bitsat. I wish to go for cse, ece, IT or eee. Msc physics from pilani is also on list. What are my college options in order of priority?
I wish to ask if state exams can also provide me with comparable colleges. i got a rank of 2250 in upsee, and 1460 in comedk. Homestate is UP and category general.
sir i am getting 76590 rank mains 21160 in OBC-NCL WHERE i will get civil engineering seat
With your rank, it is difficult to get a civil engineering seat in any of the NIT. You can try for your state government engineering colleges.
my son has secured rank in jee mains/advance are 20760/19829. what are the best options for him to go ahead.
thanks in advance
Dear Shriram ji,
Sorry for a delayed response.
With the mentioned JEE advance rank, it is difficult to get a seat in any of the IIT.
With the mentioned JEE Mains rank, You can try for any IIIT only except IIIT Allahabad and IIIT Gwalior. Try for CSE and ECE in your home state NIT. You can try for rare engineering branches ( in other state NITs as well.
My preference order of IIITs as below:
1. IIIT Allahabad
2. ABV-IIITM Gwalior
3. IIITDM Jabalpur
4. IIITDM Kancheepuram
5. IIIT Sri City
6. IIIT Guwahati
7. IIIT Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli
8. IIIT Kottayam
9. IIIT Lucknow
10. IIIT Vadodara
11. IIITDM Kurnool
12. IIIT Pune
13. IIIT Nagpur
14. IIIT Surat
15. IIIT Kota
16. IIIT Dharwad
17. IIIT Bhopal
18. IIIT Kalyani
19. IIIT Sonepat
20. IIIT Una
21. IIIT Ranchi
22. IIIT Bhagalpur
23. IIIT Manipur
Sir Namaste. Please Suggest Best/Good IIT For CSE- 04Year & CSE Dual For SC Rank 1665 In JEE Advance
Hello sir,
I have a 29k rank in jee mains.
Please suggest me what is the best I can get in NITs , IIITS.
I have got a 17k rank in jee advance. Can I get something with this rank?
Please reply as soon as possible
Dear Pragya,
Sorry for a delayed response.
With your JEE advance rank, it is difficult to get any seat in any of the IIT.
With your JEE Mains rank, you might ECE seat in almost every IIIT after IIIT Sri City (see the below IIITs order), can get a Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Smart Manufacturing in IIIT Kancheepuram, might get a Mechanical seat in IIIT Jabalpur. For CSE you may try for IIIT Ranchi, Bhagalpur, Kurnool, Kottayam, Manipur.
My preference order of IIITs as below:
1. IIIT Allahabad
2. ABV-IIITM Gwalior
3. IIITDM Jabalpur
4. IIITDM Kancheepuram
5. IIIT Sri City
6. IIIT Guwahati
7. IIIT Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli
8. IIIT Kottayam
9. IIIT Lucknow
10. IIIT Vadodara
11. IIITDM Kurnool
12. IIIT Pune
13. IIIT Nagpur
14. IIIT Surat
15. IIIT Kota
16. IIIT Dharwad
17. IIIT Bhopal
18. IIIT Kalyani
19. IIIT Sonepat
20. IIIT Una
21. IIIT Ranchi
22. IIIT Bhagalpur
23. IIIT Manipur
For NITs you might try for your home state NIT. You can also try for other state NITs for rare engineering branches (
Refer this link for ranking of IIITs
siddhart sir,
my brother got 83.2 percentile with sc rank 9542 and due to this try i just want give a try in nit/iiits with rare couses also(like mining,matellurgy,chemical). is there any possible colleges that u can suggest for josaa couselling.please give a honest and practical response i went through all your suggention given for aspirants ranking from top to low.
thank you sir.
siddhart sir,
my brother got 83.2 percentile with sc rank 9542 and due to this rank i just want to give a try in nit/iiits with rare couses also(like mining,metallurgy,chemical). are there any possible colleges that u can suggest for josaa couselling.please give a honest and practical response i went through all your suggestion given for aspirants ranking from top to low.
thank you sir.
Hi Nitin,
With this rank you might get a CSE/ECE seat in any of the IIIT or NIT during special rounds. But this does not give guarantee. If you are lucky enough, you will get a seat during special rounds. You can try for a rare branch in your home state NIT. There might be a chance of getting.
Thank you siddhartha sir its a great work you are doing out there thanks for your replies
Hi Nithin,
Most welcome. My pleasure
Sir Can u tell me the order of the IIIT colleges so that I can proceed with options .Thanq so much that u r a helping a lot of people
Hi Ajay,
I am giving my preference order of IIITs for CSE/IT branch. This order might vary if you will consider other branches such as ECE, Mechanical, Mechatronics etc. present in many of the IIITs. You also have to check your rank and place preference while selecting the institutes.
1. IIIT Allahabad
2. ABV-IIITM Gwalior
3. IIITDM Jabalpur
4. IIITDM Kancheepuram
5. IIIT Sri City
6. IIIT Guwahati
7. IIIT Srirangam, Tiruchirappalli
8. IIIT Kottayam
9. IIIT Lucknow
10. IIIT Vadodara
11. IIITDM Kurnool
12. IIIT Pune
13. IIIT Nagpur
14. IIIT Surat
15. IIIT Kota
16. IIIT Dharwad
17. IIIT Bhopal
18. IIIT Kalyani
19. IIIT Sonepat
20. IIIT Una
21. IIIT Ranchi
22. IIIT Bhagalpur
23. IIIT Manipur
please give a mix list of top 20 nit, 10 iiit and 5 gfti with ranking according to placement
Hi should I join my son in kharagpur bio n develop coding or should I join CSE in bits hyd?
Hi Jaya ji,
I would recommend you to join CSE in BITS Hyderabad. As joining Bio and developing coding skill simultaneously is difficult. BITS Hyd is not a bad option. Go with the specialization in which your son wants to build his career.
Dear Sir
My son got 26196 rank in JEE Main. Home state is Punjab. Please suggest best NIT/IIIT and also any private institute .Branch wise preference is:- 1.CS 2.IT 3,ECE 4.ELECTRICAL. Please suggest at the earliest and oblige.
With Warm Regards
Is dual degree 4 years B.Tech (IT)+ M.Tech /MBA in IIIT-Gwalior better than B.Tech(CS) in IIIT Sri City?
I’m sorry I meant 5 years dual degree in IIIT- Gwalior**
Hi Shreya,
Both are equally good. It depends all upon your interest.
If we would look the institutes, then definitely IIIT Gwalior is much better than IIIT Sri City at the current scenario.
Now if we would look onto the courses, then 4 years CSE program is more preferred than a 5 years IT (4 years B.Tech + 1 year M.Tech) by the companies. But if you are interested in higher studies, then with a 5 years program, you can save 1 year as well as you can have the degree from a good institute like IIIT Gwalior. If you are going for 5 years integrated MBA (4 years B.Tech IT + 1 year MBA), then your career path will turn towards management field rather than technical field. So, if you are interested in MBA, then I would recommend you to go for CS from IIIT Sri City, then appear for CAT and then join a good B-School like IIM.
Hope this resolve your query.
Could you please send me a relative order ( in terms of placement and education wise) among these IIITs: IIIT Kalyani, Dharwad, Kottayam, Vadodara, Ranchi and Kota. Waiting for your reply.
Hi Atul,
The relative order can be as below:
1. IIIT Vadodara
2. IIIT Kota
3. IIIT Kalyani
4. IIIT Dharwad
5. IIIT Kottayam
6. IIIT Ranchi