Spring Fest – 2016, the annual social and cultural festival organized by IIT Kharagpur, will be held from 20th to 22nd January, 2017. Started in the year of 1960, 58th edition of Spring Fest is going to be huge in 2016. One of the biggest cultural fests of east India, Spring Fest – 2017 will be a three days extravaganza holding various interesting events like music, dance, theater, photography, literature, fine arts, debating and much more.
With a footfall of more than 25000, Spring Fest is one of the largest of its kind in Asia to be organized entirely by students. Enthusiastic participants from all the major colleges of India throng to Kharagpur to this 3-day celebration of fun and frolic.
Spring Fest conducts a multitude of events encompassing 9 genres and more than 90 events which are contested among the best in India. A boatload of new events is here to tickle your senses and bring out the hidden talent in you. These events aim to provide a battlefield for the best of the best and also to have the participants experience the time of their lives. Its social element – Masoomiyat aims to motivate people all over to pledge themselves to a cause to work for child welfare.
Star-nights are the main attraction of Spring Fest. Artists like Farhan Akhtar, Amit Trivedi, Shankar-Ehsan-Loy, Salim-Sulaiman, KK, The Raghu Dixit Project, Agnee, Indian Ocean, Swarathma, Parikrama, Euphoria, Pentagram, and many more monumental performances have happened at Spring Fest in the past years. International bands like Dead by April, Monuments, Tesseract have rocked the audience at Spring Fest.
Website: http://2017.beta.springfest.in/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/springfest.iitkgp
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