We are going to carefully curate conversations and experiences that can bring out the best of social, creative, technological and scientific developments that are driving our future forward. We are bringing people together for a journey that awakens them. It’s time to bring that change in perspective forward – to fix the blocks that slow us down and to march on ahead. What ever your field of interest might be, we got you covered in the event. It’s not just a regular talk show. It’s more than that! Experience the extravaganza ! Grab your tickets now!

Theme of the event
Barriers are hurdles which avert you from achieving your ultimate goal. These can be personal, physical or societal obstacles that may deter you or slow you down; but the true challenge lies in how you put to use your fortitude, skills and perseverance to overcome them. TEDc MIT addresses this through captivating talks to kindle your thoughts on what it takes to break a barrier, and provide deep insights into the confines of the Human mind.
It is all set to happen on 6th of February 2019 at MIT, Anna University. For further details about any event, head over to our website: http://www.innovate.mitindia.edu