Ignite Engineers (IgEn) is announcing it’s First Contest on the theme “My Engineering Days“.
All engineers miss their college days a lot. It is difficult to ignore the college days ragging, study, exam fever, last minute submission, friendship, masti, teachers, canteen, trips, first love, first break up and many more…
We want you to share your Engineering Days experience. It can be anything like:
Ragging, A Lifetime Learning, An Interview, An Adventurous Trip, A Techfest, Last Minute Exam Preparation, A Eureka Moment, A Faculty Who Changed Your Life or anything which you feel like worth sharing… It can be a bad experience also…

Contest Rules & Requirements:
1. The contestant should be an Engineer or an Engineering Student.
2. You have to submit an essay on your experience with minimum of 800 words. (It would be nice if you can submit one or more original photographs of your engineering days supporting your experience)
3. The Title of the essay should be other than “My Engineering Days”. The title should match to your experience content.
4. You should like the facebook page of Ignite Engineers: https://www.facebook.com/igniteengineers1
5. If you would win any prize in this contest then you have to share your entry in your social networks
6. You have to fill up the following google form (My Engineering Days – IgEn Contest 1)
1st Prize: 1X INR 1500/- Flipkart Voucher
2nd Prize: 2X INR 750/- Flipkart Voucher
3rd Prize: 5X INR 500/- Flipkart Voucher
Important Dates:
Last date of Filling the Google form : 27th May, 2015 06th June, 2015
Last date of submitting your Essay : 7th June, 2015
Date of Publication of the Result : On or Before 17th June, 2015
Date of Sending the Prizes (Flipkart Vouchers to your mail-id) : On or Before 20th June, 2015
You have to mail your essay in pdf file to igniteengineers1@gmail.com Attach your photographs (preferably in jpeg format) in the same mail. Use the same mail-id to submit your essay which you have provided in the Google form.
All the prize winning essays will be published @ Ignite Engineers. Some good essays which would not be lucky enough to win the prize would also be posted @ Ignite Engineers.
We would appreciate your effort if you can share this contest in your social network.
Term and Condition: The Participant agrees that the selection process and its outcome shall be the prerogative of Ignite Engineers and the Participant shall have no objection whatsoever to any results thereof. Participation in this contest is no guarantee of winning any prize or of success.