We move forward in life with lot of wishes. Wishes like getting a dream job, buying a brand new car, owing a 3-BHK flat, travelling to wonderful places and many more, which keep us alive in nature and active in work. Many wishes get fulfilled and many still occupy their place in the queue named “To be Fulfilled Wish List“. With the busy schedule of life, many wishes can not be transformed to reality. But it is true, life always doesn’t allow second chance to fulfill the wish.
So, this post is an attempt to remind everyone that “Go ahead, and fulfill your wish before life would take the chance away from you to live your wish“. This post is a part of the #SecondChance activity at BlogAdda in association with MaxLife Insurance.
This campaign allows me to blog about the three things that I wish, and would do right now if given a chance. But before writing this post when I searched inside my idiot memory box about my wishes, I found four, and could not eliminate any one of them. I feel all these four wishes are very much important for me.
In the long run of life, we come across many people. Journey starts with parents, then friends, then love and at the end with own self. I have different wishes for all of them, and would love to fulfill all those.

In everyone’s life, parent’s contribution can never be paid back. They take care of us, they teach us, they love us, they protect us, they fulfill our countless wishes and probably many more which can not be described in words. So, my first wish in this list goes for my parents.
Wish for Parents: I would go to my parents and say them THANK YOU for everything.

When we step out of our parent’s caring zone, friends are the ones who describe our life. Without friends life could be very boring. Many meaningful advices come from friends and at the same time many meaningless activities can be done with friends which return unlimited happiness. Friendship is the relationship which continues till the end of the life.
Wish for Friends: I would meet/call all my friends and say them SORRY if ever I had hurt them.

Love happens at-least once in life with everyone. And the beloved person is the one who walks with you for the rest of the life with all your ups and downs. He/she is the one who cares for you, fights with you, talks with you, listens to you and most importantly supports you.
Wish for Love: I would have a candle light dinner with my valentine on the terrace of my home. I would hold her hand and would say her I ENJOY YOUR COMPANY.

“I” is always important. Anyone who can’t wish for own can never wish for others. My Own-self is the only company which follows me where ever I go, whenever I go. So, I care for “I”, and wish for “I”.
Wish for Myself: I would travel alone with my mobile switched off to a lonely place for a week, without taking a camera. I wish all those experiences not to be captured and should be preserved only within me to say I HAVE LIVED MY WISH.