Check out the latest ranking on  NIT Ranking 2018 by NIRF with with Score

NIRF (National Institutional Rankings Framework) has prepared a ranking table for the engineering institutes in India. The ranking has listed top 100 engineering institutes based on different evaluation criteria. Following are the 5 parameters considered for the ranking:

  1. Teaching, Learning & Resources (TLR)
  2. Research and Professional Practice (RP)
  3. Graduation Outcomes (GO)
  4. Outreach and Inclusivity (OI)
  5. Perception (PR)

Following are the top to down ranking of NITs listed in the top 100 list with their overall score and parameter wise scores.

You can find only 16 NITs out of 31 in this list. As few of them have not been ranked within 100, so, their scores have not been calculated. Therefore, those NITs have not been mentioned in this list. Hope this ranking compilation would help you to give a fair idea about the NITs.

NIRF NIT Ranking 2017 with Scores

One thought on “NIRF NIT Ranking 2017 with Scores

  • March 15, 2018 at 9:26 am

    Nitk deserves1


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