NITTTRs (National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research) are meant for the training institutes for the technical teachers. These institutes were established in mid 1960s for training of polytechnic teachers to undertake activities in the areas of Education, Planning & Management, Curriculum Development for implementation and Research etc. for overall improvement of polytechnic education. Gradually these Institutes started training for the graduate engineering teachers. These are one of the best institutes in India for Master degree and PhD degree for them who wish to become teacher in Engineering Institutes in their future. IgEn presents much more details about individual NITTTRs in different other posts. This post is meant to inform you the brief information about all the NITTTRs in India.

1. NITTTR Chennai
Established Year : 1964
Location : Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Website :
2. NITTTR Kolkata
Established Year : 1965
Location : Kolkata, West Bengal
Website :
3. NITTTR Chandigarh
Established Year : 1967
Location : Chandigarh
Website :
4. NITTTR Bhopal
Established Year : 1967
Location : Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
Website :
If you need any more information regarding NITTTRs, feel free to drop a comment and IgEn will definitely respond to it. We would appreciate if you can give valuable information and suggestions to the other students who need it under this post.