The GATE 2019 Exam will take place on four days – February 2nd, 3rd, 9th & 10th 2019. The link to the GATE 2019 Admit Card will be available from 4th January 2019 until the exam. This is the right time for you to pace up your preparation.
This article will aid your strategy for GATE 2019 by providing you with Overall Preparation Tips for GATE 2019.
GATE Exam 2019 Overview

GATE 2019 Exam Pattern

- Total Marks = 100 (70 – Technical, 15 – Engineering Mathematics & 15 – General Aptitude)
- Total Qs = 65 (25 – 40 marks will be allotted to NAT Questions)
- All questions will be MCQ type except for the numerical answer question.
- There is no sectional timing.
Numerical Answer Questions (NAT):
- These questions will not have any options.
- Carry 1 or 2 marks questions in all sections.
- The answer to these questions is a real number which needs to be entered by using mouse and virtual keypad displayed on the monitor.
Negative Marking Scheme:

To analyze your preparation levels, here are few time saving tips you can try:
- Make a day-wise revision schedule.
- Try Online Test Series.
- Keep a check on the Expected Cut-Off.
- Emphasize on clarifying your doubts & revising them.
- Do not take up any new topic.
- Focus on the important topics for each subject first, then proceed with the others.
Let’s have a quick analysis at how you can work these tips out.
Make a day-wise revision schedule
Distribute the topics according to their weightage in the exam and start practicing as many Online Test Series as you can. Free Test, Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers provide a much better understanding of the GATE 2019 Exam Pattern and the probable questions that might reappear in the upcoming exams.
Try Online Test Series
Make sure to practice Online Test Series for each subject, considering your strong as well as weak topics. The benefits of revising for exams via practicing Online Tests, Practice Questions, Quizzes and Mock tests is that it gives you the analysis of your preparation level with each test. If in case you wish to experience the exams in real time exam environment, there are few Exam Centers you can visit and take up Free Tests. These will help you face the GATE 2019 Exam in the actual environment even more confidently.
Keep a check on the Expected Cut-Off
You need to be fast and accurate at the same time to clear the GATE 2019 Cut-Off. Keep the GATE 2019 Expected cut-off in your mind while attempting the Mock tests and the Online Series.
Emphasize on clarifying your doubts & revising them
Try to keep a check on learning from your mistakes and not repeating them in your next attempts. If you keep practicing Online Tests without acknowledging your weak points, the entire practice process will end up in vain. Keep short notes or flashcards, whatever technique helps you in making a point and revising it later when you face difficulty with a question.
Do not take up any new topic now
Many aspirants unknowingly end up picking up new topics and exercising them just before the exams. This practice leads to further confusion in the actual exam. Try to avoid introducing any new topic to your schedule just before the exams. However, if there’s a new question pattern that is likely to appear in the exams, do try it out. Understand the concept and keep it on your revision list.
Focus on the important topics for each subject first, then proceed with the others
Each subject contains few topics that have higher weightage than others. Try to work out those topics first then proceed with the lesser weightage ones. Make sure to divide the time slots in a way that you cover all of the topics, the topics you feel confident about, shouldn’t get left out during revision.