Engineering makes things possible with the help of realistic technical knowledge acquired from scientific findings. Each and every touch we feel in our life has some attachments with the outcomes of engineering. We want to build a house, there is (civil) engineering; we wear dress, there is (textile) engineering, we want some necessary machinery tools, there is (mechanical) engineering, we want a good harvest, there is (soil and/or genetic) engineering. Actually science is there everywhere and ultimately scientific knowledge gets converted to function through engineering. Though the contribution of any field of engineering to this world can not be ignored, everyone would agree to the point that ‘Software Engineering’ is the most flourishing field of engineering in the current world scenario [1].
![Scope of Software Engineering [2]](
In the race of continuous development of new technologies, Information Technology has been playing the most leading role since the end of 20th century. Amongst all; Software Engineering has evolved as the most contributing one. Almost, in all aspects of our life that are influenced by technology, we see the applications of software. A large number of professionals have also got engaged into this blooming stream to enjoy the charm of it.
Software Engineering has boomed so fast that; according to International Data Corporation (IDC [3]), there are almost 18,539,500 (18.5 Million) Software developers estimated by the year of 2014 among which 11,005,000 are professional developers and 7,534,500 are hobbyist developers.
The major reasons behind huge explosion in the field of Software Engineering could be-
- Learning software development requires comparatively less logistics.
- Open source and free (or low cost) utilities have helped grow the community so fast.
- People love to see their ideas to be reflected in real life applications, and in Software Engineering they can apply their own logic to define any procedure, in their own way.
![Software Developers by Major Economic Regions [4]](
Software Engineering has several applications in a wide range of areas such as commerce, banking, communication, games, manufacturing, music, robotics and so many. This has made our life so simple that we can book flight ticket using our mobile aap, can enjoy playing Candy Crush , can send money online to a friend sitting at the other corner of the world, can prepare a presentation file on the way to office in a bus, and many other such things, which at some earlier days we could not have even imagined. Software engineering gradually simplifying and automating the other engineering fields by developing many CAD tools using which the complex designs can be achieved. The use of CAD tools results in more accuracy in design, low cost redesign, testing before hardware implementation and improves the usability of modules. Looking the way Software Engineering has been emerging, it’s difficult to interpret where it would take us by the near future. Even at present stage, Software Engineering is considered to be a young discipline. Many of the coming challenges in the next decades will require software that would work at completely different scales and completely different constraints than today’s software [4].
Developments of various small to large scale software applications have enormous positive impact on human life till present day. There have been plenty of researches being carried out on the future applications of software. Researchers and engineers have responded well and taken the opportunity to contribute as much as possible to this field. It can be said undoubtedly that, there would be more and more technological fusions in coming days where one engineering field will merge with another to produce more powerful innovations. And everywhere there would be a proud presence of software to enhance the ability and excellence of those.
This is a Guest Post by Asif Mohammadullah