Ignite Engineers is proud to associate with India’s largest inter collegiate sports and entertainment fest Spree’19. Colleges from across India battle it out in the sports arenas during these 3 unforgettable days in Goa. With around 3000 participants last time, Spree 19 is set to be even bigger. It is set to be the most competitive college sports festival in India again. So be ready to battle with Vigour and Valour for Victory asSpree 19 guarantees to put those qualities to test. Come be a part of this sports fiesta from 26th to 31st March. The registrations for participants are now open. Visit the link to register for Spree 19:
Registration link: http://www.bits-spree.org

Invariably, sports and physical activities are one of the most compromised necessity for a healthy andsuccessful life. BITS Goa makes itself an exception to behold by hosting the biggest sports festival ofIndia – Spree, annually in the sunny months of the year.
Spree’19 , themed as “Vigour. Valour. Victory”, promises excitement from 29th to 31 st of March. Theexpected participant number is estimated to cross 3000 this year. With this year’s theme, Spree ispredestined to enthrall its audience with the quality of the participants for various sports.

Every year the number of participants in this intercollegiate sports and entertainment festival is on therise, thus providing a stiff competitive quality to each of the sporting events like football, basketball, cricket, volleyball, badminton, tennis, squash, table tennis, carom, chess, kabaddi and powerlifting. Colleges from across the country in major cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Hyderabad, Indore and so on, compete to be crowned Spree champions along with cash prizes.
Spree has always been more than just a conventional sports fest. It continues to promote evolvingsports like Ultimate Frisbee, Kho Kho, Tug of war, Gully cricket and Futsal. The “Act to Inspire” campaign, initiated in the year 2013, has Spree working with CRY for organizing blood donation camps and Clean-Up drives, in cities where pre-Spree elimination are conducted. Spree along with the NGO Nirmaanorganizes Udaan, an event for specially abled children. The Spree Marathon is conducted in Panjim andis a 10km run in support of the ‘don’t drink and drive’ campaign, in association with Diego and hasparticipants from all over Goa.
Spree also provides its participants with a chance to attend guest talks from famous current and pastsportsmen. They inspire participants to follow their passion and perform to their optimal capability.
Famous personalities like Kapil Dev, Simon Taufel, Abhinav Bindra and many more have inspiredcountless participations to follow their dreams. Along with that, during the three nights, participantsenjoy great live music from renowned DJs and bands. World famous artists like Nucleya and The Train, to name a few of many, who have performed in previous editions of spree.
It is surely going to be a unique and memorable experience for all the participants as well as theonlookers.